LEARN DANISH FAST AND EFFECTIVE online and at our language centres The Official Danish Language Course

Free Danish lessons at A2B

Would you like to learn the Danish language for free? Would you like to have high-quality Danish lessons?

A2B offers Danish language courses at all levels within The Certified Danish Education (also called The Official Danish Language Course) - from beginner to advanced - online or with physical attendance at our language centers. The classes are free when you have a referral from the local municipality. You will experience high-level Danish courses tailor-made to your needs. Classes within The Official Danish Language Course are free with a referral from the municipality.

The Certified Danish Education is for internationals working or studying in Denmark, or spouses. Before you start the course you will meet with one of our teachers to take a language test and talk to the teacher about your expectations, needs, and wishes for the course. 

Let us guide you - Fill out the form below or call our coordinator Marina at 70 26 61 00 for further information.

Register for our Danish course here

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Who can get free Danish lessons?

You can most likely get a referral to a free Danish course if you have lived in Denmark for less than 5 years and fit into the target group for The Official Danish Language Course, which is described as adult foreigners in Denmark who are over 18 years old and who:

  • have a residence permit or a permanent, legal residence in Denmark and are registered in the municipality


  • have permanent residence in accordance with the EU rules on the lifting of entry and residence restrictions in connection with the free movement of labor, establishment, and provision of services, etc. and reside in a municipality.

In addition, EU cross-border commuters have the right to Danish education. EU cross-border commuters are workers who work in Denmark, or people who have established self-employment in Denmark, without living here.

We assess which level you should start at in order to help you effectively

Perhaps you already have received a referral to The Official Danish Language Course in your e-Boks - if not, we can help you contact your municipality to get the referral. You begin the Danish course by coming to a visitation interview, where your language and other skills are carefully ascertained. After this, it is decided which level/Danish course you should start, and you can start learning the Danish language for free.

How long does it take to learn Danish?

How long it takes to complete The Official Danish Language Course varies from person to person - so there is no fixed period. It depends, among other things, on whether you have tried to learn a language before, which Official Danish Language Course you attend, how fast you are to learn, and how much time you spend learning Danish.

Where can I learn Danish?

If you are a refugee or a member of a reunified family, you must attend The Official Danish Language Course in the municipality you live in unless you have a special agreement with your municipality.

If you are in Denmark to study or work and have the right to get a referral from your municipality, you can choose to attend free Danish classes at A2B - regardless of which municipality you live in. 

You can either go to one of our language centers (You´ll find the locations of our language centers here) or follow The Official Danish Language Course 100% online, so that learning Danish becomes easy and flexible. Remember that if you work or study in Denmark, you must pay a refundable deposit of DKK 2,000 to participate.

Fill in the form below, or call +45 70 26 61 00, or click on the link here and send us an email - and we will contact you to find out how you can start The Official Danish Language Course at A2B.


Facts about The Official Danish Language Course

The Official Danish Language Course for adult foreigners is divided into three levels: Danish Course 1, Danish Course 2 and Danish Course 3.

The Official Danish Language Course 1 (Danish Education 1)

is for students who cannot read and write in their mother tongue, as well as Latin illiterates who have not mastered a European writing system. The aim of the teaching is basic skills in spoken Danish and reading/writing skills with a view to being able to cope in the Danish labor market and as a citizen in Danish society. Danish Education 1 ends with the Danish Exam 1.

The Official Danish Language Course 2 (Danish Education 2)

is for course participants who have a short school and educational background from their home country. The aim of the teaching is to understand, speak, and read Danish with a view to being able to cope in the Danish labor market, in subsequent labor market training, and as a citizen in Danish society. Danish Education 2 ends with the Danish Exam 2.

The Official Danish Language Course 3 (Danish Education 3)

is for students who have a medium or long school and educational background. It can be vocational training, a secondary education, or a higher education. The goal of Danish Education 3 is that the students should be able to get a job or take further education and be able to function actively as citizens in Danish society. Danish Education 3 ends with the Danish Exam 3 or Studieprøven, which is the highest level and is required in order to be able to study at a Danish university.

You must complete a number of modules

Each Danish Language Course is divided into modules - Danish Language Course 1 and 2 consist of 6 modules, and Danish Language Course 3 consists of 5 modules, after which you can - by agreement with the municipality - choose to continue with the study test (known as Studieprøven), which is required in order to be able to study at a Danish university.

To progress from one module to the next, you must pass a module test at the language center (online candidates can choose between these locations). The final module concludes with a final test (exam). 

On Danish Course 1 you have to go through five module tests and a final exam, on Danish Course 2 you have to go through five module tests and a final exam and on Danish Course 3 you have to go through four module tests and a final exam.

There is no set time frame for any of the modules - your teacher will decide when you are ready to take module tests and to take the final exam.

What do I do if I am not entitled to free Danish education?

It is the municipality you live in that decides whether you are entitled to the free Danish Language Course. If you are not entitled to the free Danish education you can still follow The Official Danish Language Course at A2B, by paying, or you can learn Danish for example by following our online Danish self-study course or by following our beginner's course in Danish.

Contact A2B's course coordinator on +45 70 26 61 00 or click on the link below to hear more about the options for you.

send an email to a2b's COORDINATOR

The Official Danish Course for municipalities: we offer special courses upon request

In collaboration with the municipalities, we offer special courses at our language centers as part of the Official Danish Language Course. It can, for example, be:

  • Professional and language upskilling, particularly aimed at  sectors in the municipality that need new employees
  • Danish at the company - targeted Danish teaching for international employees at companies
  • IT upgrading for persons with low IT skills
  • Youth teams - special teams e.g. 18-25-year-olds, which take place in a youth environment
  • Parental leave classes - offered to parents on leave to ensure that language regression does not occur during absence from The Official Danish Language Course

Danish lessons for international employees

A2Bs offers ambitious, targeted, and effective Danish courses designed for the needs of international employees. The courses are based on the employees' jobs, working day and everyday life in Denmark, and the focus is both on learning Danish and on learning all the unwritten rules and norms that the Danes live by. Among other things, we can offer international employees free Danish lessons on our online classes within The Official Danish Language Course if they hold a referral from their municipality.

A2B has more than 10 years of experience in teaching foreigners Danish, and we can put together a Danish course that fits the company and the employees´ needs exactly.


Five steps - how to get started with learning the Danish language for free at A2B as a student or employee:

  1. Contact A2B about when you can start the Danish course either online or at our language centre
  2. Contact the municipality to find out if you have a referral to free Danish education - or ask our coordinator to investigate it for you
  3. Come to a visitation interview at A2B, after which you will be placed in a Danish Course and class
  4. Pay the refundable deposit of DKK 2,000.
  5. Start to learn free danish within The Official Danish Language Course at A2B

Learn Danish at A2B's language schools - Danish courses for international citizens

Since 2011, A2B has been responsible for The Official Danish Language Course (also called The Certified Danish Education) in several municipalities. A2B offers The Official Danish Language Course for adult foreigners. Our Danish classes are of high quality, and we comply with all requirements in the law. 

At our language centres, we have a constant employment-oriented focus, and at A2B we have a goal to ensure that the new citizens take active citizenship in Denmark.

A2B is a member of De Danske Sprogcentre.

Do you want to register for the Official Danish Language Course?

Find your local language center on the link below and contact the center to make further arrangements about starting up.

find your local language center

We hold the final exams

A2B holds the final tests of The Official Danish Language Course at all our language centers - PD1, PD2, PD3, Indfødsretsprøve, and Medborgerskabsprøve - register here.

register for tests

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